Tag: inspiration

Modern Inspiring People Who Are No Longer With Us

Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers) – Creative children’s television host. Jacques Cousteau “le Commandant Cousteau” was a French naval officer, explorer, ecologist, filmmaker, innovator, scientist, photographer, author and researcher who studied the sea and all forms of life in water. His ship’s name was Calypso. Famous Quotes by Jacques Cousteau: “If we were logical, the future…

Inspirational People

1.       Tim Curry 2.       Anthony Hopkins 3.       Aldous Huxley 4.       Arthur Conan Doyle 5.       Nikola Tesla 6.       Calvin Coolidge 7.       Morgan Freeman 8.       Sophi Gengembre Anderson 9.       Gustav Klimt 10.   Igor Siwanowicz 11.   Michelangelo 12.   William Ernest Henley 13.   Audrey Hepburn 14.   Andres Vesalius 15.   Jaques Cousteau 16.   Rumi 17.   Don Hong-Oai 18.   Mother Teresa…

Becoming More Creative

Studies have shown that creative activities such as art and writing slow the aging process, resulting in better mental health and fewer doctor’s visits, but, if someone feels as though they are not creative, what’s a person to do? Fear not, if interested, there are ways to become more creative or exercise your creative mind….

Sissel – Lær Meg Å Kjenne

“Teach me to know your ways, and to walk them trustingly step by step I know that what I own, are borrowed goods, and everything is yours.” If anyone wants to watch something that inspires hope, I recommend this watching this video to go along with it.   https://youtu.be/0v158W2lI5Y


Archetypes help provide deep structure for human motivation and meaning. We see them in various forms of expression such as art and literature. These imprints are hardwired into our psyches and were disconnected from religion into philosophical terms as “elemental forms” by Plato. In the twentieth century the psychiatrist C.G. Jung called them “archetypes”. These…

Mystery is the Catalyst For Imagination

Here are some quotes about some of life’s mysteries. 🙂 “Like everyone else I feel the need of relations and friendship,of affection, of friendly intercourse,and I am not made of stone or iron,so I cannot miss these things without feeling,as does any other intelligent man, a void and deep need.I tell you this to let…

Sleep Under The Stars

Sometimes life stinks and it knocks you over. A good reminder for those times is that you do not have to get up immediately. Instead, roll over for a second and look at the stars. Look at them scattered like sparkling asters across the vast sea of sky, bringing light into the night as shadows…

Nature and Trust

Penguins face the crystal desert and look as though they are holding fins and staring into each other’s eyes in Port Lockroy, Antarctica. They often mate for life. Penguins are so inspiring!