Month: July 2021

Giant Microbes

I just love these! Click Here To Go To Giant Microbes Site They have Tardigrades! They also have sea sparkle, red tide, copepods, and paramecium’s! Awesome! Happy Easter


People used to think that the universe was neatly laid out by God exactly the way it was destined to be laid out. The stars were crystal spheres pushed around in the heavens by angels and everyone found it to be comforting to think of the universe as such an ordered place. However, all of…

Journey through Middle-earth, a Chrome Experiment

If you are a fan of “The Hobbit”, you should check out this Google Chrome Experiment. It is an interactive map that allows you to explore middle earth. Here’s a link to the Experiment for you to try it out: All you have to do is click on the little 3-line-shaped icon at the…

The History of Pizza

According to the Michigan government website, pizza originated in Naples, Italy. The Italians had been cooking large pieces of flat bread on cooking stones for a long time. Later on, they used spices for flavoring, called the bread focaccia, and used it as an appetizer or snack. When the Europeans arrived in the new world,…


I just love to learn about insects. I know that a lot of people think that they are gross, but I find them to be interesting and some of them, like the tortoise beetle are really cute! This is list that I created of some interesting insects that I found in the wild in Louisiana,…

Yoga Mudra

In Yoga class I learned that the exercises that we do are designed to exercise our inner organs and help us improve our functioning of and control over the circulatory, lymphatic, and nervous systems. While performing various Yoga poses we focus on the workings of our inner organs and systems and the energy flowing through…


“An experiment in musical composition. Adopting a biological metaphor, you can create and combine musical life forms resulting in an organic, dynamic composition.” Check it out. It looks interesting, especially if you love music:


I heard someone say that, after 30, you are just dying. I believe this to be false. I believe that I will be completely alive even when I am older. You are only dying if you stop moving and living. I still have a long life to live and I have already done so much….

Your Fire Your Soul by Dar Williams

Your Fire Your Soul Button up that shirt you’re s’posed to wear,don’t forget your airline ticket or to brush your hair,show that family that you care.Could you wear something that celebrateseverything you love and maybe what your family hates,cause that might be what it takes.Cause that’s your fire, that’s your soul,you shouldn’t have to go.That’s…

Sissel – Lær Meg Å Kjenne

“Teach me to know your ways, and to walk them trustingly step by step I know that what I own, are borrowed goods, and everything is yours.” If anyone wants to watch something that inspires hope, I recommend this watching this video to go along with it.