Tag: history


Before the days of Aristotle, it was thought that tiny fully formed beings were held inside of the mother’s ovaries and every drop of the father’s sperm. These beings or homunculus had all of parts needed to be a living thing except one, life. The menstrual mother’s blood was thought to contain everything that was…


People used to think that the universe was neatly laid out by God exactly the way it was destined to be laid out. The stars were crystal spheres pushed around in the heavens by angels and everyone found it to be comforting to think of the universe as such an ordered place. However, all of…

The History of Pizza

According to the Michigan government website, pizza originated in Naples, Italy. The Italians had been cooking large pieces of flat bread on cooking stones for a long time. Later on, they used spices for flavoring, called the bread focaccia, and used it as an appetizer or snack. When the Europeans arrived in the new world,…

Sandbox Tree

The sandbox tree (Hura crepitans and H. polyandra) has pumpkin-shaped seeds that explode. They have poisonous seeds, bark, and leaves. It’s trunk is also studded with short, conical prickles. These trees can be found throughout tropical America and the seed capsules were once used by the British as sandboxes for blotting ink.