I’ve found six words from other languages about love that do not have an English equivalent.
1. Mamihlapinatapai (‘mah-mih-lah-pee-nah-tah-pay) – A look between two people in love that expresses unspoken buy mutual desire. (Fuegian language of Tierra del Fuego)
2. Onsra (uhns-‘rah) – A bittersweet feeling that occurs in those who know their love won’t last. (Boro language of India)
3. Koi No Yokan (‘koy-noh-yo-kin) – Upon meeting someone, a feeling that the wo of you may soon fall in love (Japanese)
4. Retrouvailles (‘rhoo-trooh-vahy) – The joy of reuniting with someone after a long separation. Literally “rediscovery.” (French)
5. Tuqburni (‘tooq-bur-nah) – A love so deep, you can’t imagine life without your partner. The English translation is “you bury me.” (Arabic)
6. Saudade (saw-‘dah-djee) – A strong feeling of missing someone you love. (Portuguese)
I love how these words remind me of the many ways to show someone that you love them. :heart: