Has anyone ever seen the movies “Before Sunrise” and “Before Sunset” with Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy in them? I love these movies! They are the first two movies in a trilogy. The third movie is “Before Midnight”.
I found “Before Midnight” to be kind of sad. It addressed a lot of good points as the couple, Jesse and Celine, addressed some issues regarding their insecurities about their relationship and life as they grew older. These issues seemed realistic, but I do not like the way they were handled. I was hoping that the couple would be able to handle them in a more positive way considering how long they had been together, but I suppose that it is possible that they were just tired with all of the things that were causing problems for them in their lives.
The end of the movie was written to where the audience was supposed to draw their own conclusions about what happened with Celine and Jesse in their relationship. I like to think that their love was pliable enough to where they were able to adjust and overcome the difficult times that they faced as they grow older, but was still left with a sad feeling about how things turned out for them during movie. I almost want to see a 4th film made to see how things turn out, but I do not know if anyone will ever make one.