Month: November 2021


Vitas is a great singer! He can sing “Lucia Di Lammermoor” as well as that female opera singer on “The Fifth Element” can. And how about those violinists?  😀

Thoughts On Love

When I was young, I used to believe that I had so many problems in my life that I should never be in a romantic relationship with anyone. Now, I am married and do not. Love makes us stronger, more brave, and can help us realize that we are worthy, despite what we may think….

Biblical Literalness

Is the way that the Bible interpreted dependent upon the numbers of people who interpret a certain issue a certain way? Slave holders in the past used to interpret Colossians 3:22 (Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye are on you and to curry their favor, but…

Beauty and the Beast

This is one of my favorite fairy tales. In many ways Beauty is symbolic of the church (our mother) in this tale and Beast is symbolic of Jesus. This tale also has a lesson in it that is to follow your heart and not appearances. Summary of “Beauty and the Beast” by Andrew Lang (1889)….

The Wind Rises

Hayao Miyazaki‘s animated film, “The Wind Rises” is an excellent movie. It addressed issues that were not just for children, such as love, death, reasons to live, hardships faced because of war, and dreams. The art work was beautiful as well! I recommend this movie to anyone who wants to watch a slice of life…


My husband went on a trip to Australia a long time ago and saw many adorable animals including the Tasmanian Devils and a Laughing Kookaburra. The Kookaburra is a funny looking bird from the family of Kingfishers. It has a famous bird call that resembles laughter and a compact body, short neck, a long, pointed…

To walk in the wind

Uitwaaien literally means “to walk in the wind”. Its actual meaning is, “to take a break to clear one’s head”. What a beautiful word. It reminds me of so many peaceful and inspiring things such as snow sparkle in swirling wind or blowing off of the top of a mountain at sunrise.

Vegetable Ivory: Saving Elephants and the Rain Forests

Both African elephants and South American rainforests are being eliminated from the face of the earth. Elephants are being slaughtered for their ivory tusks and the rainforests are being slashed and burned for agriculture. Instead of killing all of these elephants and cutting down the rainforests, why not use vegetable ivory, a nut that grows…


Konpeitō is a Japanese candy that was introduced in Japan during the early 16th century by Portuguese traders. Konpeitō comes from the Portuguese word confeito that means sugar candy. This candy is made from sugar, which was very expensive in Japan in the 16th century. It is 5 to 10 mm. in diameter and produced…

Taxi Driver

I saw a move starring Robert De Niro called “Taxi Driver” This was an older movie, made in 1976, about a psychotic New York cabby driven to violence by loneliness and desperation. He ends up doing some very heroic things in the end.  This was a great film. It was neat to be able to…